Reading piano music is a learned skill, and to help you remember the names of the lines and spaces for each staff and the notes they represent, try a mnemonic — a word or phrase created from the letter names of these lines and spaces.
You can use the following mnemonics, but feel free to make up your own. Unless otherwise noted, these mnemonics start on the bottom line of each staff and go up:
Treble clef lines (E-G-B-D-F):
Traditional: Every Good Boy Does Fine
Musical: Every Good Band Draws Fans
Pianistic: Even Gershwin Began (as a) Dummy First
Culinary: Eating Green Bananas Disgusts Friends
Shameless: Every Good Book (is a) Dummies Favorite
Treble clef spaces (F-A-C-E):
Traditional: FACE (like the one holding your nose)
Musical: Forks And Chopsticks Everywhere
Laundry (start with top space): Eventually Colors Always Fade
Bass clef lines (G-B-D-F-A):
Recreational: Good Bikes Don’t Fall Apart
Animal: Great Big Dogs Fight Animals
Musical: Great Beethoven’s Deafness Frustrated All
Musical: Grandpa Bach Did Fugues A lot
Painful: Giving Blood Doesn’t Feel Agreeable
Bass clef spaces (A-C-E-G):
Musical: American Composers Envy Gershwin
Animal: All Cows Eat Grass
Revenge (start with top space): Get Even, Call Avon
Read enough of these mnemonics and you’ll be hard-pressed to forget them. Of course, if you do happen to forget these helpful tools, simply find the line encircled by the clef and move up or down the alphabet from there.