
How to Separate an Egg

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2023-08-14 15:18:26
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Many recipes require separated egg whites and yolks. Don’t worry; separating an egg really isn’t as difficult as it looks. Remember, you need to separate an egg without breaking the yolk. (Any presence of yolk in your whites will prevent the egg whites from beating properly.)

Steps to separating the white and yolk in an egg

  1. Hold the egg in one hand above two small bowls — one bowl for the white and one bowl for the yolk.
  2. Carefully crack the shell on the side of one bowl. Tap it just hard enough to break the shell and the membrane without piercing the yolk or shattering the shell. This might take a little practice.
  3. Pry open the eggshell with the tips of both thumbs. Try to break the shell in half evenly.
  4. Use one half of the eggshell to gently hold in the yolk while you let the bulk of the white fall into one of the bowls. If the egg white is very thick and won't separate from the yolk, use the broken edge of the shell to "cut" through the egg white. Be careful not to break the yolk.
  5. Carefully pass the yolk back and forth from one shell cavity to the other, releasing a little more white into the bowl.
  6. When all of the white is in the bowl, carefully transfer the yolk to the other bowl. At this point, it doesn't matter if the yolk breaks, now that the white is separated from it.

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