Guitar All-In-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition Resource Center


This audio and video resource center is an interactive addition to Guitar All-In-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition, with bonus material created to help you better understand the concepts and techniques from the book. You can navigate to your desired video clip and audio track by viewing a chapter, then selecting individual clips or tracks in the content menu.

Please note that the audio tracks do not feature any video, so the player will display a blank screen while playing. If you would like to download the audio tracks for offline playing, use the Download links provided below. Be sure to download to your computer first, unzip the files, then transfer the audio files to any portable devices after that.

Download the audio tracks

Tracks 1-46

Tracks 47-79

Tracks 80-122

Listen to the audio tracks and watch the video clips

Book I Chapter 1: Guitar Anatomy and Tuning

Book I Chapter 2: Getting Ready to Play

Book II Chapter 1: Basic Major and Minor Chords

Book II Chapter 2: Adding Spice: Basic 7th Chords

Book II Chapter 3: Power Chords and Barre Chords

Book II Chapter 4: Right-Hand Rhythm Guitar Techniques List 1

Book II Chapter 5: Playing Melodies in Position and in Double-Stops

Book III Chapter 1: Navigating the Fretboard and Building Triads

Book III Chapter 2: Getting to Know the CAGED System

Book III Chapter 3: Playing Snazzier Chords with Chord Tones and Extensions

Book III Chapter 4: Playing Chord Progressions by Numbers

Book III Chapter 5: Identifying Tonics, Keys, and Modes

Book III Chapter 6: Dominant Function and Voice Leading

Book IV Chapter 1: I Know, Its Only Rock Guitar, but I Like It

Book IV Chapter 2: Playing Lead

Book IV Chapter 3: Groovin' on Riffs

Book IV Chapter 4: Going Up the Neck and Playing the Fancy Stuff

Book V Chapter 1: Introducing the Blues and Playing Blues Rhythm

Book V Chapter 2: Blues Progressions, Song Forms, and Moves

Book V Chapter 3: Musical Riffs: Bedrock of the Blues

Book VI Chapter 2: Playing Easy Pieces in Open Position

Book VI Chapter 3: Combining Arpeggios and Melody

Book VII Chapter 1: Putting the Major Scales to Use in Your Playing

Book VII Chapter 2: Adding Major Scale Sequences to Your Repertoire

Book VII Chapter 3: Tackling the Three Minor Scales

Book VII Chapter 4: Building Finger Independence with Chord Exercises

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