Partner Yoga exercises require a certain amount of touching and trust in your partner, so be sure you are comfortable with your partner. The partner suspension bridge is a Yoga partner exercise that decompresses the entire spine, provides traction, and stretches the hamstrings. It also builds strength in the arms and shoulders. Check here to watch trust and leverage in action.

Face your partner standing, and hold on to one another’s wrists with corresponding right and left hands (known as the fireman’s grip).
Begin to bend forward, and walk backward until you’re both parallel to the floor.
Lean back with your hips, and communicate with your partner to arrive at a stretch that’s a comfortable maximum for you both.
Stay for 6 to 8 breaths.
To come out of the pose, walk back toward one another and release one another’s wrists.
When you’re comfortable in the partner suspension bridge, try wiggling your hips a few times to stretch your hips and lower back.
Avoid the partner suspension bridge if you have back or shoulder problems, or if you feel pain in your lower back or shoulders when executing the posture.