
Game Cheats for Minesweeper in Windows 7

2016-03-26 21:57:55
Windows 10 All-in-One For Dummies
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One of the simplest, most absorbing games ever created — and a longtime personal favorite of Bill Gates — Minesweeper has been around since the days of Windows 3.1. Yet, most people don’t know that there are game cheats available to help them win at Minesweeper in Windows 7.

The concept is simple: Click a square and a number appears, indicating the number of adjacent squares that contain mines. Click a square that contains a mine and you lose. You can choose three different levels of play or you can tell Minesweeper how many squares you want to see and how many mines should be scattered on the field. In Minesweeper, you play against the clock.

The Intermediate Minesweeper playing field.
The Intermediate Minesweeper playing field.

There are a number of tips and cheats you can use with Minesweeper:

  • You can change the minefield into a pleasant flower garden by choosing Game→Change Appearance.

  • Since you’re playing against the clock, a handy trick lets you “stop the clock” while deciding where to click next. To stop the clock, minimize the Minesweeper window. Then do the “3D flip” by holding down the Windows key and pressing Tab repeatedly until the Minesweeper window is on top. The clock will stay locked while you examine your choices. Just click the Minesweeper button on the Windows taskbar or releasing the Windows key to go back to game play.

  • If you think there might be a mine in a box, right-double-click to stick a question mark on the box to remind you to watch out for that box.

  • Minesweeper cheats in your favor. Minesweeper always arranges things so that you never hit a mine on your first click (unless you choose to restart a game, in which case the mines appear in the same location as in the previous game).

  • Minesweeper also allows you to replay a game. So, since you already know where the mines are you should be able to rack up quite a speed record on solving the game.

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About the book author:

Woody Leonhard is a bestselling author and has been a Microsoft beta tester since Word for Windows 1.1. He covers Windows and Office topics on his popular Web site, AskWoody.com.