When answering experience-related questions, focus not only on your experience, but also on how your efforts served the changing needs of your previous employer.
What are your qualifications?
Connect your close fit between the job’s requirements and your qualifications.
Ask what specific projects or problems you may be expected to deal with and which have the highest priority.
Identify the projects you’ve accomplished in the past that qualify you to work successfully on the projects the interviewer mentioned.
Give a specific example of a difficulty that you’ve dealt with (conflict resolution or discipline), focusing on how you used your analytical skills to effectively solve the problem.
Illustrate how you go about collecting information, stating the steps you took to help the fired person improve and save his or her job before making a termination decision.
Emphasize that you follow company policy and that you’re fair and tactful in dealing with employee problems.
Document, with storytelling, that your experience includes being a successful leader or member of teams.
Discuss teams as an overall positive factor in the work world of the 21st century.
Discuss a minor negative aspect of teams and show how that negative aspect can be overcome.
Discuss your decision-making process. You don’t rattle easily.
Show that you’re self-directed and self-motivated, but still willing to follow others’ directions or to ask for assistance when needed.
Storytell: Discuss a specific example of a time you had to make a decision without supervision. Preferably, discuss a time that you anticipated company needs and finished a project ahead of time or made a beneficial decision.
Briefly discuss a specific — but minor — example.
Briefly discuss what the mistake taught you and how it led you to improve your system for making decisions or solving problems.
After talking about your example and what you learned from it, refocus the discussion on your accomplishments.
Discuss an example of being challenged where you listened politely but supported your decision with research or analytical data and you prevailed.
Add that even though you supported your decision, you were open to suggestions or comments. You’re confident in your abilities but not closed-minded or foolishly stubborn.
Don’t agree. Instead, say that you see your fit with the job through a rosier lens. Your skills are cross-functional. Speak the language of transferable skills and focus on how you can easily transfer your experience in other areas to learning this new job.
Stress that you’re dedicated to learning the new job quickly. Give two true examples of how you learned a job skill much faster than usual.