
How to Connect Your Android Tablet to a Wi-Fi Network

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2016-03-26 11:11:21
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It’s a good idea to access Wi-Fi whenever possible to avoid data charges. After you’ve activated the Android tablet’s Wi-Fi radio, you can connect to an available wireless network. Obey these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app.

  2. Choose Wi-Fi.

    On some Samsung tablets, you find the Wi-Fi item on the Connections tab. Choose Wi-Fi to view a list of available Wi-Fi networks on the right side of the screen. Otherwise, the list shows up full screen.

  3. Choose a wireless network from the list.

    When no wireless networks are listed, you’re sort of out of luck regarding Wi-Fi access from your current location.

  4. If prompted, type the network password.

    Touch the Show Password check box so that you can see what you’re typing; some of those network passwords can be long.

  5. Touch the Connect button.

    The network is connected immediately. If not, try the password again.

When the tablet is connected to a wireless network, you see the Wi-Fi Connected status icon. This icon indicates that the tablet’s Wi-Fi is on, connected, and communicating with a Wi-Fi network.

Some wireless networks don’t broadcast their names, which adds security but also makes connecting more difficult. In those cases, touch the Add icon. This icon might also be labeled Add Wi-Fi or Manually Connect. To make the connection, type the network name, or SSID, and choose the type of security.

You also need the password, if one is used. You can obtain this information from the girl with the pink hair who sold you coffee or from whoever is in charge of the wireless network at your location.

  • Not every wireless network has a password. Still:

  • Be careful when connecting to a non-password-protected network. It’s possible that the Bad Guys can monitor such a network, stealing passwords and other information.

  • Some public networks are open to anyone, but you have to use the web browser app to find a login web page that lets you access the network: Simply browse to any page on the Internet, and the login web page shows up.

  • The Android tablet automatically remembers every Wi-Fi network it has ever been connected to and automatically reconnects upon finding the same network again.

  • To disconnect from a Wi-Fi network, simply turn off Wi-Fi.

  • Use Wi-Fi whenever you plan to remain in one location for a while. Unlike a mobile data network, a Wi-Fi network’s broadcast signal has a limited range. If you wander too far away, your tablet loses the signal and is disconnected.

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