Being a student at university can be a costly venture, both on your time and on your pocketbook. Staying in and skimping on the groceries to save money can be a strain on your sanity. Use your extra time wisely and make money in those off hours.
Seek part time work in the area surrounding university.

One of your first options to make money in the area surrounding university is a part-time job. Most universities are located in areas that abound with retail stores, and therefore, retail jobs. There is also the option of a local pub or restaurant. This may require you to be a little more flexible with your schedule, but is a steady source of income.
Work placement programs are available through most universities.

A traditional option is to check with the universities work placement program. Most universities offer these programs to help students gain employment that is easily accessible, ideal for a student’s schedule and flexible. However, these jobs go quickly and may not offer as much of a wage as other options.
Be a tutor and earn money while you study.

Try putting your brains to use. Since you are already getting a top notch education, use this to generate some income. Try advertising tutoring services in your major or area of expertise. This may help you double up by earning money and getting some additional reinforcement on your studies. However, it could require some travel to reach students.
Try childcare in your spare time to generate income.

There are lots of parents out there looking for quality and trustworthy people to mind their children while they go back to work. This may not always be a good option with a full class schedule, but has a few advantages if you are able to schedule in the time. It may provide you with additional study time during nap time. Childcare on a recreational basis may be better because you can accept jobs if you have the time, or reject them if you are studying for exams. The downsides are obvious. If you aren’t good with the little ones, this option isn’t for you.
Use eBay to make money without working.

A less traditional way to make money is to get rid of all the extra things you aren’t using. Try selling these items on eBay. This option helps you clear some space in the apartment and works jointly to clean out all the clutter you’ve accumulated, but can be a huge hassle, and you must pay a small percentage to eBay for using the service.
Work from home as a great option for a tight schedule.

If you feel you are technologically savvy or have limited transportation options, working remotely might be a great opportunity for you. This allows you to work from home and is a very flexible work environment because you manage your own time. The downside is that finding work depends on your skills and qualifications, and you must be wary of scams.