If you have gotten great service from a professional you hired via LinkedIn, why not write a LinkedIn Recommendation and post it for others? When you have your recommendation planned, it’s time to show it to the LinkedIn world. To leave a recommendation, just follow these steps:
Roll your mouse over the Companies link from the top navigation bar and click the Find Companies link from the menu that appears. On the Companies page, click the Service Providers link.
Service Recommendations are best served for service professionals who could benefit from new clients discovering them on LinkedIn and contacting them. Personal recommendations are best served by working professionals who aren’t in a service industry and are looking for regular employment with a company.
On the Service Providers page that appears, click the Make a Recommendation tab.
You’re taken to the first step in the process, where you decide who to recommend.
Enter the first name, last name, and e-mail address of who you are recommending, or click the Select from Your Connections List link to find someone in your network.
Make sure the e-mail address you are providing matches the e-mail address that person has listed on his LinkedIn account. The easiest way to check this is to do an Advanced People Search with the e-mail address as the keyword to see if the correct profile comes back as a result.
Click the Continue button.
You’re taken to the Create Your Recommendation page.
Select the position this service provider had when you hired him, an option from the Service Category drop-down list, and the year you first hired or worked with him.
If you worked with this person more than once, select the check box next to the Year First Hired drop-down list.
Scroll down and pick the top attributes that best describe this service provider.
You can select up to three check boxes from the list provided. You have a chance to add more detail in a written recommendation in the next step.
Scroll down and write your recommendation and click Send.
Talk about your provider’s accomplishments, qualities, and your experience working with him.