In an organization that's following Robert's Rules, when that light bulb goes off in your head and you have a great idea, you make a motion to get your idea discussed and a decision made. Here are the eight steps required from start to finish to make a motion and get the decision of the assembly. Each step is a required part of the process. See also
Robert's Rules on Basic Motions.
Step |
What to say |
1. The member rises and addresses the
chair. |
“Mr./Madam Chairman.” |
2. The chair recognizes the
member. |
“The chair recognizes Ms. Gliggenschlapp.” |
3. The member makes a motion. |
“I move to purchase a copy of Robert’s Rules For
Dummies for our president.” |
4. Another member seconds the
motion. |
“Second.” |
5. The chair states the motion. |
“It is moved and seconded to purchase a copy of
Robert’s Rules For Dummies for your president. Are you
ready for the question?” |
6. The members debate the motion. |
“The chair recognizes Ms. Gliggenschlapp to speak to her
motion. . . .” |
7. The chair puts the question, and the
members vote. |
“Those in favor of adopting the motion to buy a copy of
Robert’s Rules For Dummies for your president, say
‘Aye.’ [pause] Those opposed, say
‘No.’” |
8. The chair announces the result of
the vote. |
“The ayes have it, and the motion carries. A copy of
Robert’s Rules For Dummies will be purchased for your
president.” |