The supreme head of the Catholic Church is the pope, from the Italian “papa,” or “father.” Every Bishop of Rome has been the pope, and every pope has been the Bishop of Rome. Following is a list of those popes who’ve been canonized as saints.
The popes appear in chronological order for easier reference and provided the dates of their pontificate (papacy) but not their birth, because ancient records didn’t keep birth information as accurately as ordination information. You don’t find patronage information either, as none of these popes are listed as patron saints.
The two most recent popes to become saints were Pope St. John XXIII and Pope St. John Paul II, both canonized by Pope Francis on April 27, 2014.
Pope St. Peter
Pontificate: a.d. 33–a.d. 64
Feast days: SS. Peter & Paul, June 29; Chair of St. Peter, February 22
Pope St. Linus
Pontificate: a.d. 64–a.d. 76
Feast day: September 23
Pope St. Clement I
Pontificate: a.d. 88–a.d. 97
Feast day: November 23
Pope St. Alexander I
Pontificate: a.d. 105–a.d. 115
Feast day: May 3
Pope St. Telesphorus
Pontificate: a.d. 125–a.d. 136
Feast day: January 5
Pope St. Hyginus
Pontificate: a.d. 136–a.d. 140
Feast day: January 11
Pope St. Zephyrinus
Pontificate: a.d. 199–a.d. 217
Feast day: August 26
Pope St. Callixtus I
Pontificate: a.d. 217–a.d. 222
Feast day: October 14
Pope St. Pontian
Pontificate: a.d. 230–a.d. 235
Feast day: August 13
Pope St. Fabian
Pontificate: a.d. 236–250
Feast day: January 20
Pope St. Cornelius
Pontificate: a.d. 251–a.d. 253
Feast day: September 16
Pope St. Lucius I
Pontificate: a.d. 253–a.d. 254
Feast day: March 4
Pope St. Stephen I
Pontificate: a.d. 254–a.d. 257
Feast day: August 2
Pope St. Sixtus II
Pontificate: a.d. 257–a.d. 258
Feast day: August 6
Pope St. Dionysius
Pontificate: a.d. 259–a.d. 268
Feast day: December 26
Pope St. Caius
Pontificate: a.d. 283–a.d. 296
Feast day: April 22
Pope St. Marcellinus
Pontificate: a.d. 296–a.d. 304
Feast day: June 2
Pope St. Melchiades
Pontificate: a.d. 311–a.d. 314
Feast day: December 10
Pope St. Sylvester I
Pontificate: a.d. 314–a.d. 355
Feast day: December 31
Pope St. Julius I
Pontificate: a.d. 337–a.d. 352
Feast day: April 12
Pope St. Damasus
Pontificate: a.d. 366–a.d. 384
Feast day: December 11
Pope St. Siricius
Pontificate: a.d. 384–a.d. 399
Feast day: November 26
Pope St. Innocent I
Pontificate: a.d. 401–a.d. 417
Feast day: July 28
Pope St. Boniface I
Pontificate: a.d. 418–a.d. 422
Feast day: September 4
Pope St. Celestine I
Pontificate: a.d. 422–a.d. 432
Feast day: April 6
Pope St. Sixtus III
Pontificate: a.d. 432–a.d. 440
Feast day: March 28
Pope St. Leo I
Pontificate: a.d. 440–a.d. 461
Feast day: April 11
Pope St. Hilarius
Pontificate: a.d. 461–a.d. 468
Feast day: February 28
Pope St. Gelasius I
Pontificate: a.d. 492–a.d. 496
Feast day: November 21
Pope St. John I
Pontificate: a.d. 523–a.d. 526
Feast day: May 27
Pope St. Felix III (IV)
Pontificate: a.d. 526–a.d. 530
Feast day: September 22
Pope St. Agapetus I
Pontificate: a.d. 535–a.d. 536
Feast day: April 22
Pope St. Gregory I
Pontificate: a.d. 590–a.d. 604
Feast day: September 3
Pope St. Boniface IV
Pontificate: a.d. 608–a.d. 615
Feast day: May 8
Pope St. Martin I
Pontificate: a.d. 649–a.d. 655
Feast day: November 12
Pope St. Vitalian
Pontificate: a.d. 657–a.d. 672
Feast day: January 27
Pope St. Agatho
Pontificate: a.d. 678–a.d. 681
Feast day: January 10
Pope St. Sergius I
Pontificate: a.d. 687–a.d. 701
Feast day: September 8
Pope St. Gregory II
Pontificate: a.d. 715–a.d. 731
Feast day: February 11
Pope St. Zacharias
Pontificate: a.d. 741–a.d. 752
Feast day: March 15
Pope St. Paul I
Pontificate: a.d. 757–a.d. 767
Feast day: June 28
Pope St. Leo III
Pontificate: a.d. 795–a.d. 816
Feast day: June 12
Pope St. Paschal I
Pontificate: a.d. 817–a.d. 824
Feast day: February 12
Pope St. Leo IV
Pontificate: a.d. 847–a.d. 855
Feast day: July 17
Pope St. Nicholas I
Pontificate: a.d. 858–a.d. 867
Feast day: November 13
Pope St. Gregory VII
Pontificate: 1073–1085
Feast day: May 25
Pope St. Celestine V
Pontificate: 1294
Feast day: May 19
Pope St. Pius V
Pontificate: 1566–1572
Feast day: April 30
Pope St. Pius X
Pontificate: 1903–1914
Feast day: August 21