
How to Count in German

2016-03-26 22:01:46
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When it comes to numbers and counting in German, you follow most of the same patterns as in English. Counting in German is relatively simple because of these similarities in structure, so it's really just a matter of memorization.

The most frequently used numbers are 0-10. These are numbers that all the rest are built upon.

0 to 10
null 0
eins 1
zwei 2
Drei 3
Vier 4
Fünf 5
sechs 6
sieben 7
acht 8
neun 9
zehn 10

In German, the numbers from 13-19 are built by placing the word for a number and then adding the -zehn (the word for 10) to the end of it. For example, the word for 16 is sechzehn (sech [6] +zehn [10]).

11 to 20
elf 11
zwölf 12
dreizehn 13
vierzehn 14
fünfzehn 15
sechzehn 16
siebzehn 17
achtzehn 18
neunzehn 19
zwanzig 20

Remember the nursery rhyme line "Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie?" Saying numbers from 21 to 99 in German follows the same pattern: the words for the ones digit + und (and) + the words for tens digit, such as vierunddreißig (4 and 30, or 34) and sechsundsiebzig (6 and 70).

21 to 100
einundzwanzig 21
zweiundzwanzig 22
dreiundzwanzig 23
vierundzwanzig 24
fünfundzwanzig 25
sechsundzwanzig 26
siebenundzwanzig 27
achtundzwanzig 28
neunundzwanzig 29
dreißig 30
einunddreißig 31
vierzig 40
einundvierzig 41
fünfzig 50
sechzig 60
siebzig 70
achtzig 80
neunzig 90
hundert 100

As in English, you add other numbers to the "hundert" to form larger numbers in German; for example, hunderteins (101), fünfhundertfünfunddreißig (535), and so on.

101 and Higher
101 hunderteins
102 hundertzwei
150 hundertfünfzig
200 zweihundert
500 fünfhundert
1,000 tausend

About This Article

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About the book author:

Edward Swick (Chicago, IL) has been a foreign language teacher for more than 30 years. After studying at the University of Hamburg in Germany as a Fulbright scholar, he completed his Master's Degree in German, Russian, and English at Southern Illinois University. He now resides in Chicago, where he works full time on German and ESL instructional materials.