
How to Print from the Excel 2013 Backstage View

2016-03-26 15:44:15
Excel Sales Forecasting For Dummies
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The Excel 2013 Backstage view contains a Print screen opened by choosing File→Print or pressing Ctrl+P. This Print screen enables you to do any of the following:

  • Change the number of spreadsheet report copies to be printed (1 copy is the default) by entering a new value in the Copies combo box.

  • Select a new printer to use in printing the spreadsheet report from the Printer drop-down list box.

  • Change what part of the spreadsheet is printed in the report by selecting a new preset in the Active Sheets button’s drop-down menu — you can choose between Print Active Sheets (the default), Print Entire Workbook, or Print Selection — or by entering a new value in the Pages combo boxes immediate below.

    Select the Ignore Print Area at the bottom of the Active Sheets button’s drop-down menu when you want one of the other Print What options (Active Sheets, Entire Workbook, or Selection) that you selected to be used in the printing rather than the Print Area you previously defined.

  • Print on both sides of the paper (assuming that your printer is capable of double-sided printing) by choosing either the Print on Both Sides, Flip Pages on Long Edge, or the Print on Both Sides, Flip Pages on Short Edge option from the Print One-Sided button’s drop-down menu.

  • Print multiple copies of the spreadsheet report without having your printer collate the pages of each copy (collating the copies is the default) by choosing the Uncollated option from the Collated button’s drop-down menu.

  • Change the orientation of the printing on the paper from the default portrait orientation to landscape (so that more columns of data and fewer rows are printed on each page of the report) by choosing the Landscape Orientation option from the Page Orientation button’s drop-down menu.

  • Change the paper size from Letter (8.5 x 11 in) to another paper size supported by your printer by choosing its option from the Page Size button’s drop-down menu.

  • Change the margins from the default Normal margins to Wide, Narrow, or the Last Custom Setting (representing the margin settings you last manually set for the report) by choosing these presets from the Margins button’s drop-down menu.

  • Change the default settings used by your printer by using the options in the particular printer’s Options dialog box. (These settings can include the print quality and color versus black and white or grayscale, depending upon the type of printer.) Open it by clicking the Printer Properties link right under the name of your printer in the Print screen.

  • Preview the pages of the spreadsheet report on the right side of the Print screen.


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About the book author:

Greg Harvey is a language scholar who has traced the roots of Tolkien’s work in European folklore and pre-Christian religious beliefs. He has studied 12 languages, including Elvish, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon.