
How to Use Number Format Cell Styles in Excel 2016

|  Updated:  
2016-03-26 7:15:50
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The Number Format section near the bottom of the Cell Styles gallery in Excel 2016 (see the figure) contains the following five predefined styles that you can use to format the values entered into the cell selection as follows:

  • Comma sets the number format to the Comma Style (same as clicking the Comma Style command button in the Number group of the Home tab).

  • Comma (0) sets the number format to the Comma Style format without any decimal places.

  • Currency sets the number format to the Currency style format (same as clicking the Accounting Number Format command button in the Number group of the Home tab).

  • Currency (0) sets the number format to the Currency style format without any decimal places (making your financial figures all dollars and no cents).

  • Percent sets the number format to Percent style (same as clicking the Percent Style command button in the Number group of the Home tab).

    Selecting a new style for a cell selection from the Cell Styles gallery.
    Selecting a new style for a cell selection from the Cell Styles gallery.

You can combine the number formatting assigned from one of the Number Format cell styles with the other cell formatting assigned by the cell styles in the other three cell style groups: the Good, Bad, and Neutral (except for Normal, which applies the General number format); Data and Model; and Themed Cell Styles. To do this, however, assign the number formatting by clicking its style in the Number Format section of the Cell Styles gallery before you assign the other formatting by clicking its style in one of the other three sections of the Cell Styles gallery.

Click Normal, the first style in the Good, Bad, and Neutral section, in the Cell Styles gallery to return the formatting in the cell selection to its original state: General number format, left or right (depending on the contents), horizontal and bottom vertical alignment, Calibri (body), 11-point font size (unless you've changed the default font and size), no borders, no fill, and locked protection status.

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About the book author:

Greg Harvey is a language scholar who has traced the roots of Tolkien’s work in European folklore and pre-Christian religious beliefs. He has studied 12 languages, including Elvish, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon.