Ukulele Articles
Strum or fret for fun after learning the basics of the uke.
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Cheat Sheet / Updated 02-27-2025
Practising with ukulele exercises helps you take your ukulele playing to the next level. Wherever you are in your ukulele playing career, the information in this Cheat Sheet helps you develop your chord playing still further.
View Cheat SheetArticle / Updated 09-20-2023
You play a bend on your ukulele by grabbing the string and pushing it across the neck. This action increases the tension in the string and therefore raises the pitch. To play a bend: Fret the note with your ring finger and also put your index and middle fingers on the same string. The additional fingers act as support. Pluck the string. If you’re playing the E- or A-string, push the string up towards your face. Your hands look something like this: If you’re playing the g- or C-string, pull it down toward the ground. Bend the string until you reach the target pitch and hold it. Bring your thumb over the top of the fretboard to give you some extra leverage. Bends are a tricky prospect on the uke. Unlike on steel-stringed instruments, the nylon strings don’t take kindly to being bent. Bending notes to get them in tune can be a trial. In tab, bends are shown as a curvy arrow with a number at the top. The number refers to the number of steps the note increases. So when a bend has a “1/2” at the top, you need to bend by half a step (one fret higher). When the tab says “Full” at the top, that’s a bend of a whole step (two frets): In standard notation, a bend is shown as a pointed line between the note being bent from and the note being bent to: When you’re practicing bends, try playing the note you’re aiming for before attempting your bend to get a better idea of what note you’re shooting for.
View ArticleVideo / Updated 09-20-2023
Barre chords form the basis of many ukulele songs. A barre chord (pronounced "bar") is any chord where you fret more than one string with a single finger. They’re represented in chord diagrams in the same way as conventional chords. The only differences are an arch over the strings you press with the same finger, as in the chord diagram for B flat: If the chord is played a long way up the neck, a number at the top right indicates the fret at which the chord diagram starts. Playing a B♭ chord on your ukulele The B♭ chord requires you to fret two strings with one finger. To start, take your index finger and use the top third of it to fret both the E- and A-strings at the first fret. When you can hold this fingering down so that both strings sound clearly when you play them, move on to the full B♭ chord by placing your middle finger on the C-string at the second fret. Then bring your ring finger over to fret the g-string at the third fret. When you’re done, your hand should look like this: When you’re playing the B♭ chord, make sure that your thumb is central on the back of your uke’s neck. This technique helps in two ways: Your middle and ring fingers arch high above the E- and A-strings so that you don’t mute them. You can get more pressure on the chord so that the strings ring clearly. When you have the B♭ chord under your fingers, you can use the three-chord trick in the key of F. The I–IV–V progression in F is F–B♭–C. These chords form the basis of the country song “Man of Constant Sorrow,” whose notation is here: Playing a D7 chord on your ukulele The D7 chord takes the idea of a barre chord one step further than the B♭. To form this chord, you barre across all the strings. Start by laying your index finger across all the strings at the second fret so that the tip of your finger is just past the edge of the fretboard. Position your thumb at the back of the uke’s neck so that you can squeeze the chord a little. The amount of pressure to use is a delicate balance. The priority is to ensure that all the strings are sounding. When you have the barre down, test each string to make sure that you can hear it clearly. You may well have to fidget your finger and change the pressure until you get it right. But be careful not to use more pressure than you need. Squeeze too tightly and your hand quickly gets tired. When you’re confident in your barre, add your middle finger to the A-string at the third fret. Playing a B minor chord on your ukulele To play the Bm shape, start off exactly the same way as D7: barring across all strings at the second fret with your index finger. This time, though, you reach over the strings with your ring finger to play the g-string at the fourth fret to create the D7 shape:
Watch VideoVideo / Updated 09-19-2023
On ukulele, when you're picking out melodies, you don't need to play every note. Hammer on and pulling off are two ways to change and spice up the sound of your playing.
Watch VideoVideo / Updated 09-19-2023
On ukulele, you can combine melody and chords in a variety of ways. In this video you see how to fingerpick the melody and strum chords between the gaps.
Watch VideoVideo / Updated 09-19-2023
Ukulele players create more rhythmic interest in their songs by using the "chnking" technique as they strum. Here's how to do it.
Watch VideoVideo / Updated 09-19-2023
Many songs on ukulele are in 3/4 time. Understanding 3/4 time opens up a whole host of songs you can play on ukulele.
Watch VideoVideo / Updated 09-19-2023
The ukulele may be the patron saint of whimsical instruments, but there's still thought and method involved when it comes to playing! Read on to learn how to strum your uke like a pro. You use your dominant arm (that is, the right arm if you’re right-handed) to strum your ukulele. The fretting hand may get all the glory and do all the fancy work, but the strumming hand is most important. You can finger a few fluffed notes or wrong chords without anyone really spotting them, but everyone is sure to notice when your strumming speeds up and slows down. Strumming is such a fundamental part of a song that strumming patterns vary between genres much more than chord patterns do. To assume strumming position, put down your ukulele for a second — you can pick it up again in a minute. Put your strumming hand (right hand for right-handers, left hand for left-handers) in front of the middle of your body where your stomach meets your chest. Make your hand into a light fist so your fingertips are touching your palm but not pressing into it. Now use your index finger to point at your left shoulder (right shoulder for left-handers) and rest your thumb between the first and second knuckle of your index finger. Resting your thumb on the finger is important: it gives your finger an extra bit of stability so it makes a cleaner sound when you strum. Strumming your ukulele in the right spot Pick up your uke and position it so that your index finger is just above the g-string, where the neck of your uke meets the body. This location is known as the sweet spot. Each ukulele has its own sweet spot where the strumming sounds best. For soprano ukes, this spot is around where the neck meets the body. For larger ukes, the sweet spot is between the soundhole and the end of the body. Experiment with your uke and see what feels and sounds right to you. Strumming your ukulele the right way The best advice for strumming — and life in general — is to stay loose. Tightening up is a surefire way to sound robotic and tire yourself out quickly. The second-best piece of advice is to strum with your wrist rather than with your arm — moving your arm up and down gets tiring very quickly. So you want to move your wrist and do no more than rotate your forearm. You don’t need to strum much more widely than the strings. Try not to make your strums too wide because maintaining a steady rhythm then becomes harder and you tire more quickly. When you strum down, your nail hits the string first. When you strum up, the pad of your finger hits the string first. This pattern creates a nice balance between a more forceful down-strum and a softer up-strum. Stay relaxed, not only in your hands and arms but also in your whole body. When you concentrate too hard on your playing, you can easily tense up without noticing, which can lead to getting tired and achy. So every so often, consciously relax your arms and shoulders before you get back to playing.
Watch VideoVideo / Updated 09-19-2023
Picking two notes on your ukulele at the same time creates a beautiful shimmering effect. As with regular picking, in simultaneous picking, you pick down with your thumb and up with your fingers. In standard notation, the letters for two fingers stacked on top of each other indicates picking with both those fingers, as shown in this nice picking pattern: To play this pattern, pick the g-string with your thumb at the same time as you pick the A-string with your ring finger, then the E and C strings separately. An interesting aspect of this pattern is the arrangement of notes: first, a group of three; second, another group of three; and then a group of two. This gives an emphasis to one of the off-beats in each bar. This is known as ‘three against four’, and it creates an interesting and unexpected color to the pattern. You need a bit of practice to get used to this technique, but the effort is well worthwhile. As well as simultaneously picking with your thumb and one finger, you can simultaneously pick with two fingers. Once you're comfortable with this pattern, you can put it together with a chord progression and make a nice little song:
Watch VideoVideo / Updated 09-18-2023
The way you hold a ukulele is a vitally important part of making it sound good. The uke is such a small instrument that choking all the sound out of it is all too easy. A general guideline for holding your ukulele is to try to touch it as little as possible. You want to make as little contact as you can manage without sending your ukulele crashing to the ground. Watch professional ukulele players and how they hold their instruments. Search out videos of Jake Shimabukuro and Roy Smeck for tips. Positioning yourself to play your ukulele When you’re playing, you have three main points of contact with the uke: The back of the ukulele against your body: Your forearm on the front of the ukulele just behind the bridge (positioned so that your hand falls naturally over the part where the body meets the neck). The underside of the ukulele neck against the crook of your hand (between your thumb and index finger: Don’t smother the ukulele by holding it tightly into your chest because that kills the volume and the tone. Instead, angle the ukulele away from your body so that the headstock is farther away from you than the ukulele’s body. This positioning creates air around the back of the uke, giving it room to breathe and pump out some volume. Standing up to play your ukulele Holding the ukulele while standing up can be something of a juggling act. Each of the three points of contact has to be stronger than when you’re sitting down. Also, you may have to change the balance of the three points. For example, when you’re playing a tricky section with your fretting hand, it can’t hold the neck as firmly and you have to support the uke more strongly with your strumming arm. The smaller your ukulele is, the easier it is to hold. If you’re playing a tenor ukulele, you may want to use a strap. Sitting down to play your ukulele Sitting down makes the juggling act much easier and requires much less contact with the ukulele. Sitting gives you the opportunity for some more stability by balancing your uke on your upper thigh: You still want to maintain the other three points of contact and you certainly still want to angle the uke away from your body. But resting it on your thigh means that each of these three points can support the ukulele more lightly. Holding your uke left-handed If you’re left-handed, you don’t need a special left-handed ukulele. You can just turn around a standard ukulele and flip the strings so that they’re in the opposite order. You should end up with the g-string being nearest to you and the A-string being nearest to the floor. Ukulele strings are so close to each other in terms of their width that you don’t need to make any adjustments to your ukulele. Some people recommend that left-handers just play the ukulele exactly the same as right-handers (strumming with their right hand), reasoning that both hands are required to play the ukulele anyway. But you don’t hear this argument from a left-handed person.
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