Draw three different hats for women.

Draw the head and neck of a female fashion figure. Map out the crown of the hat close to the head. Embellish the hat by adding different brims, textures, or even feathers or flower shapes (not shown) to adorn the lady’s hat.
Sketch a wide oval that extends around the back of the head for the brim of a sunhat.
A small oval slightly wider than the hat works for the brim of a hip hat.
Extend the crown of the hat down around the ears and near the eyes for a warm cap.
Draw the universal ball cap for all men.

Draw a guy’s head in profile. Map out the shape of the crown close to the head. Add some crease lines at the top of the hat to show how the fabric shapes to fit the head.
Draw the bill of the cap. To draw a forward-facing cap, draw a thin half-oval for a brim above the guy’s profile. To draw a baseball cap worn backward, draw the brim going down the back of the neck. To make the bill look curved, keep the top of the brim straight and curve the bottom line that connects it from the body of the hat to the front of the brim.
Draw a trapper hat without the fur.

Draw the head and neck of a boy. At the crown of the head, map out the shape of the hat rising slightly above the head. Draw a curved line slightly above the eyebrows to cover the forehead. The line connects to the sides of the hat.
Add ear flaps to the sides of the head over the ears and add ties to the flaps. If you want to add fur, draw the inner line around the face jagged with a few extra lines for texture.
Draw a thief cap, or stocking cap.

Draw the head and neck of a young girl. Map out the shape of the cap right along the head and over the ears. Finish the cap by drawing a curve right above the eyes covering the hair and ears. Add short lines for texture.