Noun: names a person, place, thing, idea (Lulu, jail, cantaloupe, loyalty, and so on)
Pronoun: takes the place of a noun (he, who, I, what, and so on)
Verb: expresses action or being (scrambled, was, should win, and so on)
Adjective: describes a noun or pronoun (messy, strange, alien, and so on)
Adverb: describes a verb, adjective, or other adverb (willingly, woefully, very, and so on)
Preposition: relates a noun or a pronoun to another word in the sentence (by, for, from, and so on)
Conjunction: ties two words or groups of words together (and, after, although, and so on)
Interjection: expresses strong emotion (yikes! wow! ouch! and so on)