
Object Pronoun Word Order in French

2016-03-26 20:05:12
French Workbook For Dummies
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To effectively use French object pronouns, you need to understand what they mean and where they go in the sentence. In the affirmative imperative, direct-object pronouns (like reflexive pronouns) follow the verb and are attached to it with hyphens; in addition, me changes to moi and te changes to toi. This chart shows the object pronoun word order with the affirmative imperative (command):

Direct Object (3rd Person) Direct Object (1st or 2nd Person) or Reflexive Pronoun Y (there — refers to place) En (some, any, of them)
Le moi y en
La toi
Les lui

Here’s the word order with everything else, including the negative imperative:

Reflexive Pronoun, Direct Object (1st or 2nd Person), or Indirect Object (1st or 2nd Person) Direct Object (3rd Person) Indirect Object (3rd Person) Y (there — refers to place) En (some, any, of them)
me le lui y en
te la leur
se les

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This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Laura K. Lawless is the author of three language websites (French, Spanish, and English) and several successful language titles including Intermediate French For Dummies.