French Workbook For Dummies
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Getting to know the days and months of the French calendar helps you keep track of your travel plans, French holidays, and engagements. The following tables list the days of the week and months of the year in French.

Days of the Week in French
English French Pronunciaton
Monday lundi luhN-dee
Tuesday mardi mahr-dee
Wednesday mercredi mehr-kruh-dee
Thursday jeudi zhuh-dee
Friday vendredi vahN-druh-dee
Saturday samedi sahm-dee
Sunday dimanche dee-mahNsh
Months of the Year in French
English French Pronunciation
January janvier zhahN-vyey
February février fey-vryey
March mars mahrs
April avril ah-vreel
May mai meh
June juin zhwaN
July juillet zhwee-yeh
August août ooht
September septembre sehp-tahN-bruh
October octobre ohk-toh-bruh
November novembre noh-vahN-bruh
December décembre dey-sahN-bruh

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Zoe Erotopoulos, PhD has taught French for more than 30 years. She is the author of French Verbs For Dummies.

Dodi-Katrin Schmidt is a highly regarded French instructor and writer.

Michelle M. Williams is a highly regarded French instructor and writer.

Dominique Wenzel is a highly regarded French instructor and writer.