If you have an emergency while traveling in Italy, you'll be glad to know these basic Italian phrases. Be prepared for emergencies by committing these Italian phrases to memory:
Aiuto! (ah-yooh-toh) (Help!)
Emergenza! (eh-mehr-jehn-tsah) (Emergency!)
Chiamate la polizia! (chee-ah-mah-teh lah poh-lee-tsee-ah) (Call the police!)
Chiamate un'ambulanza! (kee-ah-mah-teh ooh-nahm-booh-lahn-tsah) (Call an ambulance!)
Ho bisogno di un medico. (oh bee-zoh-nyoh dee oohn meh-dee-koh) (I need a doctor.)
Dov'è l'ospedale? (doh-veh lohs-peh-dah-leh) (Where is the hospital?)
Mi sento molto male. (mee sehn-toh mohl-toh mah-leh) (I feel very sick.)