Be sure to know your numbers in Italian. In Italian-speaking areas, you'll be dealing with numbers for transportation, while shopping, and when dining. Use this chart to get a good start with learning Italian numbers:
zero | dzeh-roh | 0 |
uno | ooh-noh | 1 |
due | dooh-eh | 2 |
tre | treh | 3 |
quattro | kwaht-troh | 4 |
cinque | cheen-kweh | 5 |
sei | sey | 6 |
sette | seht-teh | 7 |
otto | oht-toh | 8 |
nove | noh-veh | 9 |
dieci | dyeh-chee | 10 |
undici | oohn-dee-chee | 11 |
dodici | doh-dee-chee | 12 |
tredici | treh-dee-chee | 13 |
quattordici | kwaht-tohr-dee-chee | 14 |
quindici | kween-dee-chee | 15 |
sedici | sey-dee-chee | 16 |
diciassette | dee-chahs-seht-teh | 17 |
diciotto | dee-choht-toh | 18 |
diciannove | dee-chahn-noh-veh | 19 |
venti | vehn-tee | 20 |
ventuno | vehn-tooh-noh | 21 |
ventidue | vehn-tee-dooh-eh | 22 |
trenta | trehn-tah | 30 |
quaranta | kwah-rahn-tah | 40 |
cinquanta | cheen-kwahn-tah | 50 |
sessanta | sehs-sahn-tah | 60 |
settanta | seht-tahn-tah | 70 |
ottanta | oht-tahn-tah | 80 |
novanta | noh-vahn-tah | 90 |
cento | chehn-toh | 100 |
cinquecento | cheen-kweh-chehn-toh | 500 |
mille | meel-leh | 1,000 |
duemila | dooh-eh-mee-lah | 2,000 |
un milione | oohn mee-lyoh-neh | 1,000,000 |
due milioni | dooh-eh mee-lyoh-nee | 2,000,000 |
un miliardo | oohn mee-lyahr-doh | 1,000,000,000 |