Traveling is expensive, so it's crucial to have a good understanding of Italian phrases for money and banking. While in Italy or other Italian-language areas, the best way to ensure that you get the most for your money is to be familiar with these common financial terms.
soldi (money)
banca [f] (bank)
taux de change comptant (exchange rate)
Mandat télégraphique (wire transfer)
chèques de voyage (traveler's checks)
cambiare (to change)
Each country has it's own monetary system. Most Italian-speaking countries use the Euro. Economically, it is almost always best to exchange your American dollars for the local currency. In fact, exchanging money is the most common banking need for travelers. In the following conversation, a traveler exchanges his American money for Euros.
Jane: Qual'è il cambio oggi? (What is the exchange rate today?)
Banker: Il cambio di oggi è 1 euro per $1.23. (Today's exchange rate is 1 euro for $1.23.)
Jane: Vorrei cambiare mille dollari. (I would like to exchange $1000.)
The following phrases will give you a guideline to follow when forming your own questions about other banking needs while in Italy.
Gradirei comprare i controlli di viaggiatore. (I would like to buy traveler's checks.)
Qual'è il suo indirizzo e numero di telefono qui in città? (What is your address and phone number in town?)
Come si apre un conto corrente? (How do I open a checking account?)
Avete delle filiali a New York? (Do you have any branches in New York?)