Some common words in Portuguese are tricky to pronounce for non-native speakers. This list contains a few of them and their correct pronunciations so you can say them like a native.
amigo (ah-mee-goo) (friend)
Brasil (brah-zee-ooh) (Brazil)
Carnaval (kah-nah-vah-ooh) (Carnival)
festa (feh-stah) (party)
João (zhoo-ah-ooh) (a man's name)
música (moo-zee-kah) (music)
praia (prah-ee-ah) (beach)
Rio de Janeiro (hee-ooh dee zhah-nay-roo) (the Brazilian city of Rio)
Roberta (hoh-beh-tah) (a woman's name)
samba (sahm-bah) (a type of Brazilian dance)