
Constructing Basic Spanish Sentences

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2020-01-13 19:18:27
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Spanish Phrases For Dummies
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Sentences are vital to communicating in Spanish (or any language) because, when you meet people, you need to form sentences to talk with them. In Spanish, as in English, you form a basic sentence by combining a subject, a verb, and perhaps further descriptive information. For example: La casa es grande. (lah kah-sah ehs grahn-deh) (The house is big.)

Here, the subject of the sentence is la casa (lah kah-sah) (the house); then comes the verb, es (ehs) (is); after that comes the adjective, grande (grahn-deh) (big), which describes the house. In Spanish, the three basic parts of a sentence go in this order.

Here are some more examples:

  • La mujer es bella. (lah moo-Hehr ehs bveh-yah) (The woman is beautiful.)

  • El hombre es buen mozo. (ehl ohm-bvreh ehs bvooehn moh-soh) (The man is handsome.)

  • Las calles son largas. (lahs kah-yehs sohn lahr-gahs) (The streets are long.)

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