
Getting Emergency Help and Giving Warnings in Spanish

|  Updated:  
2016-03-26 20:54:47
Spanish Phrases For Dummies
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Emergencies can happen whether you know Spanish or not, so if you're in a Spanish-speaking area, you need to be prepared to warn others and/or get help in Spanish should an emergency situation arise. Following are some basic Spanish distress-signaling words:

  • ¡Socorro! (¡soh-koh-rroh!) (Help!)

  • ¡Auxilio! (¡ahoohk-see-leeoh!) (Help!)

  • ¡Ayúdeme! (¡ah-yooh-deh-meh?) (Help me!)

  • ¡Rápido! (¡rrah-pee-doh!) (Quick!)

  • ¡Apúrense! (¡ah-pooh-rehn-seh!) (Hurry!)

If you face some sort of disaster, use one of the following words:

  • ¡Incendio! (¡een-sehn-deeoh!) (Fire!)

  • ¡Inundación! (¡ee-noohn-dah-seeohn!) (Flood!)

  • ¡Temblor! (¡tehm-bvlohr!) (Earth tremor!)

  • ¡Terremoto! (¡teh-rreh-moh-toh!) (Earthquake!)

  • ¡Maremoto! (¡mah-reh-moh-toh!) (Tidal wave!)

When giving a warning, you have a choice. In Mexico shout

  • ¡Aguas! (¡ah-goohahs!) (Watch out!)

  • ¡Ojo! (¡oh-Hoh!) (Look out! [Literally: eye])

Everywhere else, yell ¡Cuidado! (koohee-dah-doh) (Watch out!).

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Susana Wald is a translator, teacher, writer, and publisher.

Cecie Kraynak, MA, is a Spanish teacher, ESL coordinator, and author/editor of numerous Spanish books, including Spanish For Dummies. She has taught and tutored Spanish at the junior high school and college levels for more than 25 years.