Break the proverbial ice by talking about the weather is as common in Spanish-speaking countries as it is everywhere else. Discussing the weather in Spanish means using the verb hacer (ah-sehr), which means to do or to make. Although it doesn’t translate literally in weather expressions, hacer is used to mean it is or it’s.
Here are some common weather expressions that use the verb hacer:
Hace (mucho) calor. It’s (very) hot.
Hace (mucho) fresco. It’s (very) cool.
Hace (mucho) frío. It’s (very) cold.
Hace (mucho) sol. It’s (very) sunny.
Hace (mucho) viento. It’s (very) windy.
Hace (muy) buen tiempo. It’s (very) nice weather.
Hace (muy) mal tiempo. It’s (very) bad weather.
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The verb estar (ehs-tahr; to be) also is used in weather expressions, but to a much lesser degree. The following examples are weather descriptions that use estar:
Está lloviendo. (or Llueve.) It’s raining.
Está nevando. (or Nieva.) It’s snowing.
Está nublado. It’s cloudy.
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