
Using Essential Spanish Words and Phrases

|  Updated:  
2016-03-26 20:54:49
Spanish Phrases For Dummies
Explore Book
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As with any language, the number of Spanish words and phrases can be intimidating. If you're just beginning to explore Spanish, you can feign fluency with these essential words and phrases until your Spanish is up to snuff.

  • ¡Hola! (¡oh-lah!) (Hello!)

  • Por favor. (pohr fah-bvohr.) (Please.)

  • Gracias. (grah-seeahs.) (Thank you.)

  • ¿Dónde está el baño? (¿dohn-deh ehs-tah ehl bvah-nyoh?) (Where is the bathroom?)

  • Lo siento. (loh seeehn-toh.) (I'm sorry.)

  • ¿Habla usted inglés? (¿ah-bvlah oohs-tehd een-glehs?) (Do you speak English?)

  • No hablo mucho español. (no ah-bvloh mooh-choh ehs-pah-nyohl.) (I don't speak much Spanish.)

  • No sé. (noh seh.) (I don't know.)

  • Claro. (clah-roh.) (I understand. [Literally: Clear.])

  • Adiós. (ah-dee-ohs.) (Good-bye.)

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Susana Wald is a translator, teacher, writer, and publisher.

Cecie Kraynak, MA, is a Spanish teacher, ESL coordinator, and author/editor of numerous Spanish books, including Spanish For Dummies. She has taught and tutored Spanish at the junior high school and college levels for more than 25 years.