
A Snapshot of the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice

2016-03-26 08:08:11
Common Core Standards For Parents For Dummies
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In addition to the content standards that state what students need to learn at each grade level, the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice describe how students should approach their mathematical work and what kinds of tasks teachers and curriculum should present to students.

You can use the following list to keep track of the eight Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice. They are as follows:

  • Making sense of problems and persevering in solving them

  • Reasoning abstractly and quantitatively

  • Constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others

  • Modeling with mathematics

  • Using appropriate tools strategically

  • Attending to precision

  • Looking for and making use of structure

  • Looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning

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About the book author:

Christopher Danielson, PhD, is a leading curriculum writer, educator, math blogger, and author interpreting research for parents and teachers across the country from his home base at Normandale Community College in Minnesota.