
Basics of Mixolydian (V) mode on the Guitar

2016-03-26 13:03:10
Rock Guitar For Dummies
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Mixolydian is the fifth mode of the major scale on the guitar — when the 5th scale degree functions as the tonic. It centers on a major chord, so it’s considered a major key. It’s also called the dominant scale because the 5th degree of the major scale is named the dominant pitch and forms a dominant 7th chord.

This mode is fairly common, almost as much as the relative major and minor. Here you see what happens to the G major scale when you reorganize its notes and chords, beginning with the 5th degree, D, to produce D Mixolydian mode:

G major
D Mixolydian

Mixolydian mode is often thought of as a major scale with a flattened 7th, its most defining characteristic. Mixolydian also features a fVII chord, a major chord one whole step below the tonic. Here is D Mixolydian taken from its parent major scale, G.

[Credit: Illustration courtesy of Desi Serna]
Credit: Illustration courtesy of Desi Serna

You can play D Mixolydian anywhere on the fretboard as long as you use notes and chords from the G major scale and center on D. You can also move the pattern around the fretboard to play Mixolydian mode in other keys.

Here is a new major scale pattern that begins on the 5th string. Here the parent major scale is C and the mode is G Mixolydian. Of course, you find the same notes and chords elsewhere on the fretboard, so you can move this pattern around to play in other keys, too.

[Credit: Illustration courtesy of Desi Serna]
Credit: Illustration courtesy of Desi Serna

Here are some sample chord progressions and songs based on the 5th degree of the major scale:

“Seven Bridges Road” by the Eagles
I-fVII-IV-I in D Mixolydian (V-IV-I-V in the G major scale)
“Southern Cross” by Crosby, Stills & Nash
I-fVII-IV-I in A Mixolydian (V-IV-I-V in the D major scale)
“Louie Louie” by The Kingsmen
I-IV-v-IV in A Mixolydian (V-I-ii-I in the D major scale)
“What I Like about You” by the Romantics
I-IV-fVII-IV in E Mixolydian (V-I-IV-I in the A major scale)
“Cinnamon Girl” by Neil Young
I-v-fVII-IV in D Mixolydian (V-ii-IV-I in the G major scale)

Another important feature of the Mixolydian mode is the minor chord on the 5th degree. You hear it in the song “Louie Louie” by The Kingsmen. Many musicians mistake this for being a I-IV-V chord progression in A major. If you listen carefully however, you can clearly hear the chords A, D, and Em, not E major. This progression is actually I-IV-v with a minor v chord. That’s Mixolydian mode!

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This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Desi Serna has built a substantial online platform as an engaging and approachable guitar guru-a guitar player and teacher with more than 10,000 hours of experience providing private guitar lessons and classes. Serna is hailed as a "music-theory expert" by Rolling Stone magazine.