
Singing Practice Needs

2016-03-26 18:24:15
From The Book:  
Singing Exercises For Dummies
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Of course you need your voice to practice your singing but there are other tools which will help to make your training sessions more productive:

  • Keyboard: Just about any new or used electronic keyboard works. A piano is fine, too, as long as it’s in tune. You don’t have to know how to play the piano to sing, but if you want to get a better understanding of what keyboards and musical notation are all about, pick up a copy of Piano For Dummies, 2nd Edition, by Blake Neely (Wiley).

  • Recording device: A recording device is super useful because all you have to do is record the music once and then play it back during your practice time.

    Recording your practice sessions is a great way to monitor your progress, too. Record yourself singing through the exercises, and then rewind to hear whether you were right on pitch or whether a vowel really was precise.

    If you want a sound that’s a bit more sophisticated, use a digital recorder (such as an iPod or recording application on your phone designed for recording music or singing) — the sound quality is much better than with tape recorders. The sound of your voice played back on a quality digital recorder is closer to what you actually sound like.

  • Pitch pipe: The leader of the choir or barbershop quartet whips this gizmo out of his pocket and blows into it to sound the starting pitch. If you don’t have a keyboard or a recording with your exercises handy, you can get a pitch pipe and play your starting pitch. You can also play a pitch occasionally to see whether you’re still on target.

  • Metronome: This gadget monitors speed and maintains rhythm — not like a radar gun, but more like a ticking sound that encourages you to stay at the same speed or tempo when you practice. Most songs have a tempo marking at the beginning. You can set your metronome to this speed to experience the tempo that the composer intended.

    If you can’t locate a metronome, look at the clock. The second hand on the clock is ticking 60 beats per minute. You can practice your song or vocal exercise while keeping a steady pace with the ticking of the clock.

  • Mirror: Mirrors are so helpful for practicing. By watching yourself in the mirror, you become much more aware of how you move your body as you sing.

  • Music and pencil: As you listen back over the recording, take notes in your practice journal or on your music. Seeing the notes from your last practice session helps you remember your goals.

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This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Pamelia S. Phillips is a professional singer with over 35 years of teaching experience. She has designed curriculum for high school students, college BFA programs, and professional training programs, helping thousands of singers refine their singing technique.