A great way to increase your singing range upward is by singing staccato, which means “short and detached.” Singing shorter, lighter notes helps you in singing higher notes, because you’re not using as much heavy weight. To sing staccato, keep your larynx steady and keep the muscles in your neck still.
If they flex or tighten, sing the staccato notes lighter, with less weight or pressure; that technique helps you figure out how to work the muscles inside your neck in your larynx. Make the notes light and short, and keep them connected to your breath. If the sound is airy, too much air is escaping.
Find a clear sound on a longer note and then gradually sing notes that get shorter to maintain that clarity.
The below pattern gives you the opportunity to explore staccato sounds as you skip notes along the scale. As you ascend in pitch, allow your back space to open. You have to open this space fast because you’re moving quickly in the pattern, so think ahead as you’re singing.
When singing staccato you may feel your abs move as you start each note. That’s normal: You want your breath to connect to each note. Blowing too much air makes it harder to sing lightly. On the other hand, if you connect just the right amount of air, the notes bounce along the scale. Use the ee vowel at first to keep the sound light and dominated by head voice.
As your staccato gets easier, you can explore other vowels.

Break this exercise into steps: Open the space, send the breath, and then make the sound. Hopefully, it all happens at the same time, but concentrate on the individual steps if you’re having trouble getting it all coordinated.