
Digital Filmmaking for Kids: Editing Keyboard Shortcuts

2016-03-26 08:01:56
Screenwriting For Dummies
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There are a number of different editing applications that will help you edit your digital film. Although these applications have a number of differences, the keyboard shortcuts are generally the same across all applications. Here are some keyboard shortcuts that can help with the editing process.

Keyboard Shortcut What It Does
Command-I Import footage into an event
Command-N Creates new movie project
Command-E Export a timeline to the iMovie Theatre
Spacebar This plays the video in the timeline from where the play head is positioned
Right arrow key Moves the play head one frame forward, which can be very useful for precise editing
Left arrow key Moves the play head one frame backward, which can be very useful for precise editing
Down arrow key Jumps play head forward to the beginning of the next clip in the event browser or timeline
Up arrow key Jumps play head back to beginning of current clip or previous clip in event browser or timeline
Forward slash (/) This plays the selected area of clip in event browser or timeline
Backslash () This plays from the beginning of the clip, event or timeline
Shift-Command-F This plays clip from play head position in full screen
Esc This exits full screen view
Command-Z To undo last action or change
Shift-Command-Z To redo last action or change
Command-C This copies the selected clip or text
Command-X This cuts the selected clip or text
Command-V To paste the copied clip or text

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Nick Willoughby heads Filmmaking For Kids and Film Future, a pair of programs designed to teach kids aged 7-16 the various aspects of filmmaking. Nick is also a writer and director for 7 Stream Media, a video and media production firm based in the UK.