In quantum physics, in order to find the energy of a perturbed system, En, you need to start by calculating the energy and wave function of an unperturbed system. You start with the energy:

Then add the first-order correction to the energy,

and add the second-order correction to the energy,

Now what about the wave function of the perturbed system,

Start with the wave function of the unperturbed system,

Add to it the first-order correction,

And then add to that the second-order correction to the wave function,

Note that when

becomes the unperturbed energy:


becomes the unperturbed wave function:

So your task is to calculate E(1)n and E(2)n, as well as

So how do you do that in general? Time to start slinging some math. You start with three perturbed equations:

You then combine these three equations to get this jumbo equation: