
ASVAB Reading Comprehension Tips

2017-03-08 20:01:48
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The Paragraph Comprehension passages on the ASVAB are usually pretty short. These tips can help you better comprehend the ASVAB reading passages and the questions that follow them:
  • Understand what the question wants from you. Does it ask for the main point, specific information, or a conclusion based on the information presented?

  • Reread the paragraph to make sure you answer the question correctly. If you’re a really slow reader, you may not have time to do so. However, if you’re not sure of an answer, quickly read the paragraph again.

  • Look for key vocabulary words. Paragraph Comprehension questions may test your vocabulary. Use the context — the surrounding words — to help you understand the meaning of a word.

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About the book author:

Rod Powers, a recognized expert in all U.S. military matters, is the author of ASVAB For Dummies and serves as a military guide for About.com.