
SAT Practice Math Word Problems: Probability

2017-01-28 3:48:29
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It's very likely that you will encounter some probability questions on the SAT Math exam. The following practice questions ask you to find how much more likely one vehicle will be sold compared to another, and how likely it is that a patron will choose a certain table at a restaurant.

Practice questions

  1. An auto dealer's lot has 50 vehicles, as shown in this table. SAT1001-dealers-lot If a vehicle were to be selected at random, how many times more likely is it for the vehicle to be a gasoline car than an electric truck? A. 1.0 B. 1.5 C. 2.0 D. 2.5
  2. A restaurant has 40 tables, as shown here. SAT1001-restaurant If a customer were to randomly sit at one of the tables, what is the likelihood that he would sit at a six-seater table? A. 0.15 B. 0.20 C. 0.25 D. 0.30

Answers and explanations

  1. The correct answer is Choice (C). The likelihood of the vehicle being a gasoline car is 12%, SAT1001_eq2201 and the vehicle's likelihood of being an electric truck is 6%, SAT1001_eq2202
  2. The correct answer is Choice (B). The likelihood of the table being a six-seater is SAT1001_eq2203

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About the book author:

Ron Woldoff, MBA, is the founder of National Test Prep, where he helps students achieve their goals on the SAT, GMAT®, and GRE®. He teaches prep courses at Arizona and is the author of several test-prep books.