
First-Year Teaching For Dummies Cheat Sheet

2023-07-05 16:21:57
Instructional Design For Dummies
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This Cheat Sheet summarizes how to handle some of the tricky parts of being a first-year teacher, including planning for a substitute teacher, keys to a successful teaching observation, what you should get done during the first week of school, and how to deal with minor behavior problems.

Planning for a substitute teacher

Don’t leave your substitute teacher in the lurch! Give them more than just lesson plans (although definitely do leave those). Make sure you also include the following:

  • A copy of your schedule, including the times each class begins and ends
  • Your seating chart (kids will try to sit wherever they want if they see a sub in the room)
  • A map showing how to get from class to class if you’re a floating teacher
  • A description of what to do in case of a fire or other emergency drill, including the evacuation route your kids are supposed to follow
  • Any important information about individual students:
  • Medical conditions and instructions to follow if the condition flares up during class
  • Important parts of an Individualized Education Program (IEP), such as “Student should not be required to read in front of the class”
  • An explanation of how and when to assign hallway passes, and any procedures you have in place that differ from the norm
  • A description of your duty assignments and an explanation about how to fulfill the responsibilities of each
  • The name and room number of a nearby teacher of the same subject or grade level, who can help out and answer questions the sub may have
  • Your phone number, so that the sub can call you if they have any questions
  • A list of kids who are trustworthy in each class (but ask that the list not be made public)

Keys to a successful observation

If a supervisor or administrator is rating your class, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Make sure your lesson includes any elements required by your school district.
  • Showcase your best material.
  • Don’t make any dramatic changes to your class on observation day.
  • Demonstrate your relationship with students.
  • Don’t worry about a little bit of noise in the room.
  • Try to involve all your kids in the lesson.

Things to accomplish during the first week of school

Set yourself up for success by completing these tasks:

  • Highlight the important rules in your classroom.
  • Discuss emergency and safety procedures.
  • Distribute textbooks, laptops, and other school-furnished supplies as soon as possible.
  • Explain your grading system.
  • Distribute introduction cards to collect information.
  • Discuss any major projects for the year.
  • List the field trips you’ll take.
  • Explain how to get extra help.
  • Use ice breaker activities to build community.

How to handle minor behavior problems

Here are a few things you can do to squelch bad behavior without resorting to administrators:

  • Use proximity: Approach and stand beside the culprit.
  • Give the offender the icy stare of death.
  • Defuse potential distractions with humor.
  • Employ a distraction.
  • Rearrange your seating chart.
  • Isolate the offender.
  • Don’t be stingy on detentions.
  • Call a parent or coach and outline your concerns.
  • Send kids to another teacher.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

W. Michael Kelley is a former calculus teacher who now works in the Department of Education at the University of Maryland. His Web site, www.calculus-help.com, has won many awards.