The Math questions on the Praxis Core exam may be multiple choice, fill-in, or select all that apply. You need to be prepared to answer questions in these subject areas:
- Number and quantity, including topics such as basic operations, number form conversions, order of operations, number order, sequences, word problems, and measurement
- Algebra, which includes combining like terms, using given variable values, solving equations and inequalities, and solving algebraic word problems
- Geometry, which covers basic geometric building blocks, angles, polygons and circles, three-dimensional figures, and the coordinate plane
- Statistics and probability, involving representations of data, central tendencies, probability calculations, and scientific notation
- Overlooking part of a rule
- Confusing one rule with another
- Misusing the four-function online calculator
- Confusing one mathematical term with another
- Using the incorrect expression to represent what's described
- Stopping before answering the final question in a multi-step problem