The following rules apply to all ads and all marketing campaigns, regardless of the medium, the message, the mood, the size of the business, or the creative direction:
- Know your objective and stay on strategy.
- Be honest.
- Be specific.
- Be original.
- Be clear and concise.
- Don't overpromise or exaggerate.
- Don't be self-centered or, worse, arrogant.
- Don't hard sell.
- Don't insult, discriminate, or offend.
- Don't turn the task of ad creation over to a committee.
Committees are great for brainstorming, but when it comes to developing headlines, they round the edges off of strong ideas. They eliminate any nuance that any committee member finds questionable, and they crowd messages with details that matter more to the marketers than to the market. An old cartoon popular in ad agencies is captioned, "A camel is a horse designed by committee."