2024/2025 ASVAB For Dummies Cheat Sheet
Any professional military commander will tell you that knowing your enemy is the first step in winning a battle. After all, how can you expect to pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) if you don’t know what’s on the test?
Here are some test-taking tips and key information about ASVAB test formats and subtests to help you score well, get into the service of your choice, and qualify for your dream job.
The ASVAB subtests: Paper version
If you take the ASVAB at a Military Entrance Test (MET) site, you’ll likely take the paper-and-pencil version of the test.
The following table outlines the subtests on the paper version of the ASVAB, including information on content, the number of questions, and time limits.
The CAT-ASVAB subtests: Computer version
If you take the ASVAB at a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), you’ll encounter a computerized version of the test called the CAT-ASVAB (where CAT stands for computerized adaptive test).
The following table outlines the subtests, number of questions, and time limits on the CAT-ASVAB.
Note: On the CAT-ASVAB, the AI and SI scores are combined for one score.
General ASVAB test-taking tips
When taking the ASVAB, being prepared and knowing how to approach the questions can go a long way. Use the following test-taking tips to improve your ASVAB score:
Pointers for guessing on the ASVAB
No matter how hard you study for the ASVAB, you’ll likely come across a few questions where you don’t have a clue. Guess wisely, and you can score extra points on many ASVAB subtests. If you leave a question blank, you have a zero percent chance of getting it right, but if you guess, you have at least a 25 percent chance.
Here are a few quick pointers on guessing:
ASVAB reading comprehension tips
The paragraph comprehension passages on the ASVAB are usually pretty short. These tips can help you better comprehend the ASVAB reading passages and the questions that follow them:
For more tips to help you maximize your ASVAB score, get the book.