
ASVAB Scores for Air Force Enlisted Jobs

2021-01-08 19:19:40
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The United States Air Force has about 120 entry-level enlisted jobs for new recruits. The Air Force refers to enlisted jobs as Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSCs). The following table shows the Air Force entry-level AFSCs and the line scores required to qualify for each job. The table is organized by AFSC number, so browse the table and see which AFSCs pique your interest.

Military jobs and qualification standards are subject to change with little or no notice. For the most up-to-date information and for complete job descriptions and qualification factors, see the Air Force official website.

Air Force Enlisted Jobs and Required ASVAB Scores
AFSC Title Score
1A0X1 In-Flight Refueling G-55
1A1X1 Flight Engineer G-57
1A2X1 Aircraft Loadmaster G-57
1A3X1 Airborne Mission System E-70
1A4X1 Airborne Operations G-55
1A6X1 Flight Attendant** A-28
1A7X1 Aerial Gunner M-60 or E-45
1A8X1 Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst G-72
1B4X1 Cyber Warfare Operations* G-64
1C0X1 Aviation Resource Management A-45
1C1X1 Air Traffic Control G-55 and M-55
1C2X1 Combat Control G-44
1C3X1 Command Post G-49
1C4X1 Tactical Air Control Party G-49
1C5X1 Command and Control Battle Management Operations G-55
1C6X1 Space System Operations E-70
1C7X1 Airfield Management G-50 and M-40
1C8X1 Ground Radar Systems E-70
1C8X2 Airfield Systems E-70
1N0X1 All Source Intelligence Analyst G-57
1N1X1 Geospatial Intelligence G-66
1N2X1 Signals Intelligence Analyst G-72
1N3XX Cryptologic Language Analyst G-72
1N4X1 Fusion Analyst G-62
1N7X1 Human Intelligence Specialist G-72
1P0X1 Aircrew Flight Equipment M-40
1S0X1 Safety G-55
1T0X1 Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape* G-55
1T2X1 Pararescue G-44
1U0X1 Remotely Piloted Aircraft Sensor Operator G-64 and E-54
1W0X1 Weather G-66 and E-50
2A0X1 Avionics Test Stations and Components E-70
2A2X1 SOF/PR Integrated Communication/Navigation/Mission Systems E-70
2A2X2 SOF/PR Integrated Instruments and Flight Control Systems E-70
2A2X3 SOF/PR Integrated Electronic Warfare Systems E-70
2A3X1 Avionics Systems E-70
2A3X3 Tactical Aircraft Maintenance M-47
2A3X4 Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics E-70
2A5X1 Aerospace Maintenance M-47
2A5X2 Helicopter/Tiltrotor Aircraft Maintenance M-56
2A5X3 Mobility Air Forces Electronic Warfare Systems E-70
2A6X1 Aerospace Propulsion M-60
2A6X2 Aerospace Ground Equipment M-47 and E-28
2A6X3 Aircrew Egress Systems E-70
2A6X4 Aircraft Fuel Systems M-47
2A6X5 Aircraft Hydraulic Systems M-56
2A7X1 Aircraft Metals Technology M-47
2A7X2 Nondestructive Inspection M-42
2A7X3 Aircraft Structural Maintenance M-47
2A7X4 Survival Equipment M-40
2A7X5 Low Observable Aircraft Structural Maintenance M-47
2E1X1 Satellite, Wideband, and Telemetry Systems E-70
2E1X2 Meteorological and Navigations Systems E-70
2E1X3 Ground Radio Communications E-70
2E1X4 Visual Imagery and Intrusion Detection Systems E-70
2E2X1 Network Infrastructure Systems E-70
2E6X2 Communications Cable and Antenna Systems M-47
2E6X3 Telephone Systems E-45
2F0X1 Fuels M-47 and G-38
2G0X1 Logistics Plans A-56
2M0X1 Missile Maintenance E-70
2M0X2 Missile and Space Systems Maintenance M-47
2M0X3 Missile and Space Facilities E-50
2P0X1 Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory E-70
2R0X1 Maintenance Management Analysis G-55
2R1X1 Maintenance Management Production G-44
2S0X1 Materiel Management A-41 or G-44
2S0X2 Supply Systems Analysis A-47
2T0X1 Traffic Management A-35
2T1X1 Vehicle Operations M-40
2T2X1 Air Transportation M-47 and A-28
2T3X1 Vehicle Maintenance M-47
2T3X2 Special Vehicle Maintenance M-40
2T3X5 Vehicle Body Maintenance M-56
2T3X7 Fleet Management and Analysis A-41
2W0X1 Munitions Systems G-57 or M-60
2W1X1 Aircraft Armament Systems M-60 or E-45
2W2X1 Nuclear Weapons M-60
3A0X1 Knowledge Operations Management A-28
3C0X1 Communication Computer Systems G-64
3C0X2 Computer Systems Programming G-64
3C1X1 Information Systems Technology E-60
3C1X2 Electromagnetic Spectrum Management G-44
3C2X1 Network Integration E-70
3D0X1 Knowledge Operations Management A-47
3D0X2 Cyber Systems Operations G-64
3D0X3 Cyber Surety G-64
3D1X2 Cyber Transport Systems E-70
3D1X3 Radio Frequency Transmission Systems E-70
3D1X4 Spectrum Operations E-60
3E0X1 Electrical Systems E-35 and M-35
3E0X2 Electrical Power Production E-40 and M-56
3E1X1 Heating, Ventilation, AC, Refrigeration M-47 or E-28
3E2X1 Pavement and Construction Equipment M-40
3E3X1 Structural M-47
3E4X1 Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance M-47 and E-28
3E4X2 Liquid Fuel Systems Maintenance M-47
3E4X3 Pest Management G-38
3E5X1 Engineering G-49
3E6X1 Operations Management G-44
3E7X1 Fire Protection Technician G-38
3E8X1 Explosive Ordnance Disposal* G-64 and M-60
3E9X1 Emergency Management G-62
3M0X1 Services G-24
3N0X1 Public Affairs G-72
3N0X5 Photojournalist G-72
3N1X1 Band G-24 or A-21
3N2X1 Premier Band G-24 or A-21
3P0X1 Security Forces G-33
3S0X1 Personnel A-41
4A0X1 Health Services Management G-44
4A1X1 Medical Materiel G-44
4A2X1 Biomedical Equipment E-70 and M-60
4B0X1 Bioenvironmental Engineering G-49
4C0X1 Mental Health Services G-55
4D0X1 Diet Therapy G-44
4E0X1 Public Health G-44
4H0X1 Cardiopulmonary Laboratory G-44
4J0X2 Physical Medicine G-49
4M0X1 Aerospace and Operational Physiology G-44
4N0X1 Aerospace Medical Service G-44
4N1X1 Surgical Service G-44
4P0X1 Pharmacy G-44
4R0X1 Diagnostic Imaging G-44
4T0X1 Medical Laboratory G-62
4T0X2 Histopathology G-44
4V0X1 Ophthalmic G-55
4Y0X1 Dental Assistant G-44
4Y0X2 Dental Laboratory G-66
5J0X1 Paralegal G-51
5R0X1 Religious Affairs G-51 or A-35
6C0X1 Contracting G-72
6F0X1 Financial Management and Comptroller G-57
9S100 Technical Applications Specialist M-88 and E-85
* Candidates must pass additional tests to qualify for this job.

** Candidates must be over the age of 21.

Line scores are abbreviated as follows: General (G), Electronic (E), Mechanical (M), and Administrative (A).

See also "Deciphering ASVAB Scores."

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Angie Papple Johnston joined the U.S. Army in 2006 as a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Specialist. During her second deployment as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Angie became her battalion’s public affairs representative. She also served as the Lead Cadre for the Texas Army National Guard’s Recruit Sustainment program.