
Getting the Most from Your Autistic Child's Educational Experience

2016-03-26 21:52:49
Understanding Autism For Dummies
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Your child with autism can thrive in school. You may need to be more involved in the educational process of your autistic child than with an unaffected child, but the rewards of that extra investment can really pay off for you and your child.

The following tips can guide you and your child’s teachers to a good educational experience:

  • Insist on specific and measurable goals for your child’s IEP (Individualized Education Program). Involve your child in the process.

  • Develop strong relationships with educational professionals. Keep it friendly, not adversarial.

  • Stay informed about educational laws, your district’s policies, and your child’s progress. Know your options.

  • Visit your child’s classroom to confirm that it’s an effective learning environment. It should have distinct areas for different subjects, comfortable lighting, good ventilation, appropriate noise level, and right-sized furniture, and the teacher should be approachable and fair.

  • Support your child at home by reinforcing what educators are teaching at school. Develop your child’s strengths; don’t just remediate.

  • If possible, get at least 25 hours a week of early intervention before age 3.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Stephen M. Shore, EdD, who was diagnosed on the autism spectrum, is a college professor and an international lecturer and consultant on autism.

Linda G. Rastelli, MA, is an award-winning writer with 20 years of experience writing about health, education, and business topics.