The root of a word is its main part and core meaning. These common medical root words give you a general idea of what you’re dealing with or specify a body part.
Abdomin/o: Abdomen
Aden/o: Gland
Anter/o: Front
Arteri/o: Artery
Audi/o: Hearing
Bio: Life
Brachi/o: Arm
Bronch/i, bronch/o: Bronchus
Carcin/o: Cancer
Cardi/o: Heart
Col/o: Colon
Cyt/o: Cell
Derm/a, derm/o, dermat/o: Skin
Dors/i, dors/o: Back or posterior
Encephal/o: Brain
Gastr/o: Stomach
Gynec/o: Female
Hemat/o: Bl ood
Hist/o, histi/o: Tissue
Intestin/o: Intestine
Lapar/o: Abdomen, loin or flank
Lymph/o: Lymph vessels
My/o: Muscle
Neur/o: Nerve
Ocul/o: Eye
Ophthalm/o: Eyes
Optic/o, opt/o: Seeing, sight
Or/o: Mouth
Ot/o: Ear
Path/o: Disease
Pharmac/o: Drug
Pulmon/o: Lungs
Sept/o: Infection
Thorac/o: Chest/thorax
Thyr/o: Thyroid gland
Trachel/o: Neck or necklike
Trich/o: Hair or hairlike
Ventr/i, ventr/o: Front of body
Viscer/o: Viscera (internal organs)