Homeopathy is based on the law of familiars or treating like with like — using a substance that causes certain symptoms in a healthy person to alleviate those same symptoms in someone who’s ill. For example, coffee keeps most people awake, but for some people who have trouble sleeping, a homeopathic preparation of coffee helps them sleep.
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The table lists many of the more common substances used as homeopathic remedies and the ailments those treatments are used for.
Homeopathic Remedy | Ailments It Treats |
Aconitum napellus (aconite) | Angina, anxiety, arrhythmia, asthma, heart failure, postoperative pain |
Allium cepa | Allergies, colds, cough, ear infection, hay fever, headache, laryngitis, sore throat |
Antimonium tartaricum | Acne, asthma, bronchitis, chicken pox, cold, cough, respiratory conditions |
Apis mellifica | Bee stings, hives, insect bites, urinary conditions |
Arnica montana | Arthritis, bruises, black eyes, muscle pain, physical trauma, pulled muscles or tendons, shin splits, shock from trauma, tinnitus following injury |
Arsenicum album | Anxiety; asthma; cold and flu; diarrhea; eye pain, burning, or itching; food poisoning; skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, rashes; sore throat; indigestion |
Belladonna | Chicken pox and shingles; cold; colic; delirium; earache; eye pain, burning, or itching; dry, hot nose; fever; headache; measles and mumps; sore throat; stomachache with loss of appetite; tonsillitis; toothache |
Bryonia alba | Abdominal pain, arthritis, back spasms, colic, constipation, cough, diarrhea, fever with chills, flu, gas, headache, heartburn, indigestion, mood disorders, sciatica, sprains and strains |
Calcarea carbonica | Anxiety and phobias, bone and joint pain, chronic fatigue, dental problems, digestive disorders, headache, menstrual issues, muscle weakness, osteoarthritis, teething discomfort |
Calcarea phosphorica | Fractures that are slow to heal, growing pains, headache, joint pain, rheumatism, tooth decay, teething discomfort |
Cantharis | Acid reflux, attention deficit and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADD and ADHD), bladder infections, bleeding/hemorrhaging, burns, digestion issues, insect bites and stings, sunburn |
Carbo vegetabilis | Chronic, unexplained illness; cough; heartburn and other digestion conditions; tinnitus |
Chamomilla | Colic, diarrhea during teething, earache, fever, insomnia, toothache, irritability (especially in children), menstrual issues (including cramping and breast pain), swollen glands, teething discomfort |
Cocculus indicus | Dizziness, motion sickness, nausea, vertigo, menstrual issues |
Coffea cruda | Anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia |
Colocynthis | Colic, neuralgia (nerve pain), sciatica |
Euphrasia (eyebright) | Eye conditions, including inflammation, injuries, irritation, conjunctivitis, and watery eyes; nasal allergies and excessive discharge |
Ferrum phosphoricum | Diarrhea with fever; fever; headache; earache that doesn’t respond to belladonna; hemorrhaging, especially nose bleeds; sore throat; cough that’s better at night; sleeplessness and restless dreams |
Gelsemium | Cold, flu, headache, heat exhaustion, anxiety, neuralgia, sore throat, vertigo |
Hepar sulphuris | Abscesses, acne, cold, ear infection, gingivitis, hay fever, cough, croup, hoarseness, sore throat, skin infection, night sweats |
Hypericum (St. John’s wort) | Anxiety, bee stings, dental pain related to dental procedures such as tooth extraction or root canal, depression, headache, insect bites, nerve injury, postoperative pain, puncture wounds (to prevent lockjaw), skin conditions including corns and varicose ulcers; splinters; tailbone injury Also useful as a topical treatment for all sorts of injuries and burns |
Ignatia amara | Emotional disorders, including depression, grief, and anxiety; headache; sore throat; cough; menstrual problems |
Ipecacuanha (ipecac) | Asthma, bronchitis, heavy bleeding (nasal or menstrual), headache, migraine, morning sickness, motion sickness, nausea, recurrent fevers, whooping cough |
Kali bichromicum | Bronchitis; cold with thick, gooey mucus; earache and ear infection; localized pain (especially with headache); migraines; nasal allergies and sinusitis; vaginitis |
Kali carbonicum | Asthma, backache, bronchitis, cold, congestion, pneumonia, respiratory infections |
Lachesis | Acne, circulatory problems (characterized by bluish, purplish, or blotchy skin), hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, migraines, painful periods, Raynaud’s syndrome, rosacea |
Ledum | Alcoholism, bee stings, black eyes, bruises, gout, insect bites, puncture wounds, rheumatism, sprains and strains |
Lycopodium | Anxiety; constipation; digestive issues related to the liver, gallbladder, urinary, and digestive tracts; flatulence; irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); nausea and vomiting; panic attacks |
Magnesia phosphorica | Abdominal and menstrual cramps, colic, muscle spasms |
Mercurius vivus | Bad breath, boils, colds, cystitis, earache, gingivitis, diarrhea, sore throat, sweating, tonsillitis, trembling, weakness |
Natrum muriaticum | Eye conditions, including dry eyes, itchy eyes, poor eyesight, and glaucoma; water imbalances that may cause sinusitis, hay fever, edema, puffy eyes, circles under eyes, water retention, and perspiration problems; fatigue |
Nux vomica | Digestion issues, including acid reflux, gas, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting; constipation alternating with diarrhea; hemorrhoids; flu |
Phosphorus | Anxiety, bleeding, cold, constipation, cough, dark circles under eyes, diarrhea, flu, hoarseness, indigestion, nausea, pallor, vomiting |
Podophyllum | Diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, IBS |
Pulsatilla | Bedwetting, chicken pox, cold with heavy yellow discharge, cough, cystitis, earache, fainting, indigestion, insomnia, menstrual problems, sties, varicose veins |
Rhus toxicodendron | Aches and pains, back pain, chicken pox, cold sores, cough, flu, hives, hoarseness, poison ivy, sore muscles, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, sprains and strains |
Ruta graveolens | Back pain, bone injuries, dental problems (dry socket), eye strain, headache, joint pain, sciatica, sprains and strains |
Sepia | Depression, exhaustion, female hormone imbalance, hair thinning, hot flashes, irritability, mood swings, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) |
Silica | Hair, skin, and nail issues; nutritional deficiencies |
Spongia tosta | Asthma, colds, cough, croup, exhaustion, goiter, hoarseness, laryngitis, sore throat, thyroid problems |
Staphysagria | Anxiety, bladder infection, cystitis, depression, emotional distress, menopause symptoms, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), urinary urgency |
Sulfur | Acne, cold, conjunctivitis, constipation, diarrhea, digestive disorders, eczema, hemorrhoids, nausea, shortness of breath, skin conditions, sties |
Tabacum | Anxiety, morning sickness, motion sickness, nausea, vomiting |
Urtica urens (stinging nettle) | Allergies, anemia, bee stings, burns, hives, insect bites, poison ivy, rheumatism, skin irritations |
Veratrum album | Cough, constipation, cramps, diarrhea, headache, heat exhaustion, menstrual disorders, nausea, vomiting |