Unlike the beneficial microorganisms of probiotics, parasites are microorganisms that live off nutrients in your body and usually compromise your health. Parasite infections can cause numerous and varied symptoms, including diarrhea, constipation, abdominal bloating, gas, indigestion, heartburn, inflammatory fever, suppressed appetite, skin conditions, behavioral changes, anal itching, weight loss, rectal bleeding, and bowel disease, including colitis and Crohn’s disease.
If you have these symptoms and suspect that the cause may be related to internal parasites, see your natural cures provider, who can order a digestive stool analysis with parasitology test. With the results, you can pinpoint exactly which parasite you have so that your treatment can be tailored specifically to that parasite.
The key to getting rid of parasites is to starve them out (they eat whatever you eat) while simultaneously nurturing the good bacteria in your digestive tract so they can wage an effective fight against the bad guys. Eliminate sugar, high‐fructose corn syrup, heavily processed foods (especially refined carbohydrates), and trans fatty acids. Consume a low carbohydrate diet and take the following supplements:
Supplement | Dosage |
Monolaurin | 200 mg twice daily |
L‐lysine | 150 mg twice daily |
Bee propolis | 100 mg twice daily |
Cinnamon bark extract | 100 mg twice daily |
Grapefruit seed extract | 100 mg twice daily |
Grapeseed extract | 100 mg twice daily |
Olive leaf extract | 50 mg twice daily |
Oil of oregano | 500 mg up to four times daily |
Ginger | Drink several cups of ginger tea daily or take 500 mg in capsule form two to three times daily |
Black walnut | 250 mg three times daily or 30 drops of a black walnut tincture |
Probiotics (Saccharomyces boulardii and a multistrain of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium) | 250 mg Saccharomyces boulardii twice daily; 5 billion CFU multistrain two to three times daily |