
How to Purge the Flu and Other Viruses Naturally

2016-03-26 7:56:30
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Like the common cold, the flu attacks your respiratory system, but it hits harder and faster. Symptoms include fever over 100 degrees F (37.8 degrees C), severe muscle ache, chills, sweating, fatigue, and congestion.

If you or the person you are caring for has a severe case of the flu and is in a high‐risk category — a young child, an older adult, a pregnant woman, or someone with a compromised immune system — see your doctor immediately. Flu can quickly turn into pneumonia, which can be fatal.

In the beginning stages of the flu, you have little appetite. Focus on drinking water, teas, and healthy green drinks loaded with antioxidants. Avoid dairy products, animal protein, sugar, and refined processed foods. Stick with low‐glycemic fruits and vegetables. Chicken soup with extra onion, garlic, ginger, and lemon works wonders.

To boost your immune system, take the following supplements:

Supplement Dosage
Vitamin C (mineral ascorbates) Up to 10,000 mg daily (Note: If you develop diarrhea, reduce the dosage.)
Vitamin D3 2,000 to 10,000 IU daily, depending on
your blood level
(Note: The lower your vitamin D level, the more benefit you’ll see.)
N‐acetyl cysteine 600 mg twice daily, on an empty stomach
Selenium 200 mcg daily
Sambucol 1 tablespoon four times daily
Green tea (aqueous extract containing EGCG) 600 mg daily
Lomatium dissectum (capsule form or tincture) 500 mg in capsule form or 2 to 4 ml of tincture four times daily

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Dr. Scott J. Banks has been in clinical practice for more than 30 years. In 2013, Banks joined an elite group Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioners. He is uniquely trained in the Functional Medicine model to identify and treat the root causes of illness, disease, and chronic disorders.

Joe Kraynak is a professional writer who deals with bipolar in his family.