
Natural Treatments for Skin Rashes

2016-03-26 7:56:31
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A rash is an outbreak on the skin characterized by discoloration and inflammation. Keeping the affected area clean and dry and exposing it to air as much as possible is usually sufficient for clearing up most rashes, but if that’s not enough, try one or more of the following treatments:

  • Bentonite clay: Apply extra‐virgin, untreated bentonite clay over the affected area several times daily.

  • Apple cider vinegar: Use an apple cider vinegar that has sediment on the bottom of the bottle. This contains raw enzymes and good, healthy bacteria. Soak a cotton ball and dab it on the rash several times daily.

  • Peppermint leaves: Crush the leaves to make a paste and apply it to the rash several times daily. If the rash is hot and inflamed, make ice cubes out of the paste and rub the ice cubes gently over the rash.

  • Basil leaves: Crush basil leaves, which contain camphor and thymol, well‐known anti‐itch compounds, and spread them over the rash.

  • Aloe vera: Cut the leaf lengthwise with a knife, scoop out the gel, and place it on the rash several times daily. Aloe vera is well known for its anti‐inflammatory properties.

  • Oatmeal: Take an oatmeal bath (pour 1 cup of oatmeal into bathwater and soak your rash for 15 minutes; pat dry and let the oatmeal stay on your body for an hour). Alternatively, make an oatmeal poultice (add a small amount of water to cup of oatmeal, let it turn to a paste, and apply the paste to your rash several times a day).

  • Calendula: Dilute 5 ml calendula in a small amount of juice or water and drink it one or two times daily. Alternatively, apply it topically several times daily. Calendula contains saponins and carotenes that support healthy skin.

  • Chamomile: Dilute 5 ml chamomile in a small amount of juice or water and drink one or two times daily. Alternatively apply the chamomile topically several times a day.

If the rash is in your mouth, take 100 mg sarsaparilla two to three times daily and/or 250 mg gotu kola three to four times daily.

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About the book author:

Dr. Scott J. Banks has been in clinical practice for more than 30 years. In 2013, Banks joined an elite group Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioners. He is uniquely trained in the Functional Medicine model to identify and treat the root causes of illness, disease, and chronic disorders.

Joe Kraynak is a professional writer who deals with bipolar in his family.