
How to Detoxify for Adrenal Fatigue Treatment

2016-03-26 12:55:21
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Adrenal Fatigue For Dummies
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One important aspect of adrenal fatigue treatment is detoxification. The contaminants and heavy metals in the water supply and the chemicals and pesticides in foods are examples of toxins everyone is likely to consume on a daily basis. Most people aren't even aware of these toxins. Toxin buildup can increase stress and make you lethargic and exhausted.

Your healthcare practitioner may recommend a form of detoxification as part of your treatment for adrenal fatigue, especially if some of the testing that you've had done demonstrates that your body has a high toxic load. Above and beyond the specific results of any test, the toxins that you're exposed to daily can worsen adrenal stress.

You and your healthcare provider should consider detoxification as part of your treatment plan for adrenal fatigue.

One concern is that rapid detoxification methods will overstress already-exhausted adrenal glands. Another is the risks of dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. A slower type of detoxification is a better option. You're at lower risk of dehydration, and the program is generally well-tolerated.

Understand that in detoxification, you may feel worse before you feel better, because the toxins in the body tissues need to enter the bloodstream so they can be eliminated by the kidneys. You may need to have blood work done before, during, and after the detoxification process to assess your electrolyte status and kidney function.

If you're considering undergoing detoxification, do so under the supervision of a healthcare practitioner. Here are some general principles for detoxification:

  • Use alkaline water as a base. Consume at least 2 to 3 liters on a daily basis.

  • Supplement with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins throughout the day, including green tea extract, a greens powder, vitamins C and B5, and an antioxidant complex such as a carotenoid. Your healthcare practitioner may recommend other antioxidants and supplements during the detoxification process.

  • Making and drinking juice in the morning is a great way to start off a detox.

  • Take probiotics twice daily.

Detox plans are different; a slow detox plan for someone with adrenal fatigue can last for 1 to 2 months. After that, your healthcare provider will likely develop a personalized maintenance plan for you that will include probiotics and a combination of nutrients and antioxidants.

If you have kidney disease, heart disease, or diabetes, your detox plan needs to be altered accordingly. For example, if you have a history of coronary heart failure (CHF), your fluid intake may need to be restricted. With diabetes, your blood glucose levels need to be monitored closely.

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About the book author:

Rich Snyder, DO, is board certified in both internal medicine and nephrology. He teaches, lectures, and works with PA students, medical students, and medical residents.

Wendy Jo Peterson is a registered dietitian with more than 20 years of professional experience. She is the author of Meal Prep Cookbook For Dummies and Bread Making For Dummies, and coauthor of Air Fryer Cookbook For Dummies, Instant Pot Cookbook For Dummies, and Mediterranean Diet Cookbook For Dummies.