What you put (or don't put) in your body while at work can exacerbate any stressful situation and worsen your adrenal fatigue. The two biggest culprits at work are caffeinated beverages and sugar, but it's also important to eat all your meals and avoid alcohol.
Eat all your meals
Missing breakfast is a no-no, and of course, the best breakfast is one you make yourself at home, because it can provide you with protein, complex carbs, and fruit.
If you're constantly in a hurry in the morning before work, drinking a greens powder shake in the morning provides some antioxidant value, protein to satiate you, and servings of fruits and vegetables; it also normalizes your pH, which is so important in decreasing cellular stress.
Going through the drive-through isn't a great choice, especially for folks with adrenal fatigue. Those breakfasts have some pretty poor nutrition and a lot of fat and sodium. If you must go through the fast food drive-through, aim for the healthiest choice on the menu.
If you're so rushed in the morning that you can't eat breakfast, at least have a healthy snack in the morning. You want to be sure that you eat something.
Skipping a meal at work is a terrible idea. Your body needs the fuel that only lunch provides. Skipping lunch will make you tired, irritable, and famished by the time dinner comes, making you want to eat everything in sight. You and your adrenal glands need nutrients in the afternoon to function efficiently and effectively.
Consider eating smaller meals throughout the day. Have a healthy snack in the middle of the morning, which can help keep you from gorging yourself at lunch. Have an afternoon snack, too. Eating smaller meals throughout the day is easier on your body than pigging out at lunch or dinner.
Eat great food to keep you going
If you want to feel great and beat adrenal fatigue during your workday, then it makes sense that you need to eat great food. Your breakfast choices set the tone for the beginning of the day, and eating a nutritious lunch is key to feeling great the whole afternoon.
Have some fruit for breakfast. Also think about having a vegetable-based meal in the morning. And be sure to include some protein in a morning meal. That way, you won't be starving for lunch, and you'll decrease your risk of bottoming out.
Eating healthy at work means being prepared. Consider packing your own lunch to bring to work with you. Keep some healthy snack options on hand as well. When dining out with coworkers, make it a point to look for and ask the waiter about the healthy food choices on the menu.
Avoid foods and drinks that tax your adrenals
Some foods and drinks can worsen adrenal fatigue and make you feel bloated and tired.
Decrease your caffeine intake
Think about how many cups of coffee you have daily. Add to this the other caffeinated beverages that you consume during the day. You may be giving your heart and your adrenal glands quite a workout. Here are some tips for reducing your caffeine intake:
If you've been drinking mega cups of coffee a day for a long time, then reduce your intake gradually. Start making your coffee half regular, half decaf; then, over the course of a few weeks, convert to decaffeinated coffee. Switching to smaller mugs or smaller coffee cups is also an option. Although coffee has many health benefits, the caffeine can be detrimental.
Stop going to the vending machine to get soft drinks during your breaks. In addition to buying a carbonated soft drink during the day, many people get an unhealthy snack. Bring a caffeine-free beverage in a thermos from home if possible. Increase your water intake. Water is the only real thirst-quencher.
Great substitutes for caffeinated beverages include green tea, filtered/alkalinized water, and decaffeinated coffee. If you want a beverage that's tasty and healthy, consider bringing a juicer to the office break room.
Substitute for sugar
What's a typical breakfast in a break room? Well, it can include doughnuts (yes, even the ones with the cream and jelly in them), muffins, and/or bagels. Simple sugars and items made from white flour aren't the best thing to have in the morning.
Between the sugar rush from the doughnut and the caffeine rush from the morning java, your adrenal glands are in for a world of hurt. If this constitutes your morning routine, you're at a severe risk of crashing later in the day due to low blood sugar, especially in advanced stages of adrenal fatigue.
You should also try to minimize your intake of sugary foods during lunch and at dinner. After lunch, skip the sweet dessert that may be offered. Don't go back into the break room and take that doughnut you may have missed in the morning. Do your best to stay away from the vending machines.
If you find that you do have a sweet tooth, especially in the morning, consider using stevia, an acceptable sugar substitute. Stay away from artificial sweeteners in your coffee and other drinks if possible.
If you find that you have a persistent sugar craving, you may have a yeast overgrowth problem. A happy bowel can really help decrease sugar cravings.
Avoid alcohol
You may think that you're relieving stress after work by drinking a cold one (or two), but you're doing yourself more harm than good. Alcohol is a depressant of the central nervous system. It increases the risk of dehydration and can cause you to become depleted of much-needed electrolytes and minerals, especially magnesium. This can lead to adrenal fatigue as well as worsen already-existing adrenal fatigue.