The risk of losing consciousness due to low blood glucose has led many states and the federal government to limit driving privileges among diabetics. People with diabetes, especially if they’re taking insulin, are subject to evaluation of their fitness to drive. If they lose their license, they may lose their job or their ability to shop or take themselves to appointments, particularly medical appointments or their children to school or after-school activities.
Yet male teenage drivers, drivers who text while driving, and people who drive at night have a greater risk of a motor vehicle accident than a diabetic, but they aren’t subject to a driving restriction. The state and federal governments need to take a careful look at the relatively low risk of a motor vehicle accident rates among diabetics and restrict diabetics only if definitely indicated.
You can avoid this problem by testing your blood glucose before and regularly during any car trip that lasts more than two hours and make sure you keep a glucose snack in the car at all times.