
How to Do a Standing Quad Stretch

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2016-03-26 22:36:45
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The standing quad stretch focuses on the quadriceps (front-thigh muscles). Be extra gentle with this stretch if you’re prone to knee or lower-back pain. If back pain is an issue for you, you can do a similar stretch while lying on your side, bending your top knee, and bringing your heel toward your buttocks. Follow these steps to see the standing quad stretch.

  1. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, pull your abdominals in, and relax your shoulders.

  2. Bend your left leg, bringing your heel toward your butt, and grasp your left foot with your right hand.

    You can grasp your left foot with your left hand, if the opposite hand is too uncomfortable. You should feel a mild pull gradually spread through the front of your left leg.

    The standing quad stretch targets your front-thigh muscles. [Credit: Photograph by Sunstreak Produc
    Credit: Photograph by Sunstreak Productions, Inc.
    The standing quad stretch targets your front-thigh muscles.
  3. Switch legs and repeat the stretch.

Keep these tips in mind as you perform the standing quad stretch:

  • Hold onto a chair or the wall if you have trouble balancing.

  • Don’t lock the knee of your base leg (the one you're standing on).

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